Being a Female Entrepreneur is a project aimed at the Cultural and Creative Industries sector, and the promotion of Female Entrepreneurship.
The lead partner of the project is Camara de Comercio e Industria Italiana para Espana (Spain), while the project partners are Domspain Consulting SL (Spain), Cooperation Bancaire pour l`Europe (Belgium), G.G. Eurosuccess Consulting Limited (Cyprus), C. M. Skoulidi & Sia E. E. (Greece), Zadar County Rural Development Agency – AGRRA (Croatia) and Asociata Institutul Pentru Parteneriat Social Bucovina (Rumania).
PROJECT BUDGET: 224.095,00 €
The project's main objective is to provide support and proper orientation women from disadvantaged backgrounds (who live in rural areas, have economic difficulties, are single mothers, etc.), who wish to establish a CULTURAL / CREATIVE COMPANY, as well as to aspiring or new entrepreneurs in this field and to adults in general. Thus, it is intended to promote personal fulfillment during the initial stages of their business endeavor by improving their skills in the sectors of culture and creativity using innovative approaches in TRAINING.
- Increase of iniciative and the sense of leadership between women in disadvantaged groups
- Larger cultural diversity, understanding, and greater valuation of the European cultural heritage
- Existence of a larger offer of opportunities through quality and innovative trainings that ensure added value in the support and developent of cultural entreprises and industries
- More women and social educators who are conscious of the good practice and existing cases in the field of cultural businesses at EU level
- More and better reinforced business skills for women who wish to improve their own business
- More synergies created in associated communities and at EU level among the different agents of the culture sector – businesses, educational centers, public bodies
The Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Spain (CCIS), active since 1914 in Madrid, is a Spanish association that was born thanks to both Spanish and Italian entrepreneurs in order to foster their bilateral relationships, above all within the economic field due to the intention of boosting the spirit of entrepreneurship and dynamizing both markets.
DomSpain is an adult education organisation specialised in the field of education and training, vocational studies, occupational, social and intercultural skills, languages and new technologies. Their Training department develops educational programmes; courses and workshops for adult learners, VET activities trainings for educators focusing on improving foreign language competences, use of digital tools and new teaching methods, etc. They develop online environments and interfaces for educational purposes and lead ICT and technologies activities for many EU projects.
Eurosuccess is an Educational and Consulting organization established in Cyprus, to inform and support, mainly individuals and enterprises, regarding the exploitation of European and National Funds. Throughout the years, Eurosuccess has participated and coordinated various National and European-funded projects, like Lifelong Learning, Erasmus+, and Justice.
p-consulting.gr is an IT, Training and Consulting company, located in Patras (Greece), with expertise in responsive, interactive and innovative web training platforms and tools. The Company is also providing training in various target groups, emphasising in vulnerable groups (immigrants, seniors, people with disabilities etc).
CBE is an EEIG that provides information and consulting services on EU policies to its Banks members and their clients. CBE provides assistance in different fields related to the internationalization of businesses, such as participation in grants and finding business partners.
AGRRA is a public institution established by the County of Zadar. The main activity is development of Zadar County rural area. AGRRA researches and develops information and communication technologies in the frame of rural development and fishery, as well as the activities of all other relevant local, regional and national institutions with the final aim to implement at best new programmes and measures of rural development.
BUCOVINA INSTITUTE is a NGO founded in 2011, located in Suceava, Romania and its mission is to support the sustainable development of the communities in the North-East of Romania, South-West of Ukraine and the entire Republic of Moldova, by establishing partnerships for learning, organizing and conducting training programs and promoting continuous education for adults.
On the 4th of November 2020 the online Female Entrepreneur kick-off meeting took place. The meeting was a great occasion for all the partners to meet virtually and to present their institutions. All the project partners were present and the meeting's main aim was to present all the Intellectual outputs of the project, as well as the activities ahead of project partners. More specifically, the whole Output 01 was discussed in detail: planning of next tasks and activities, methodology and tools, analysis and reporting.
In particular the “Interactive map of cultural and creative entreprises in Europe": was discussed, as one of the main project results.
One of the main innovations of this product will be the compilation of a database including cultural initiatives' good manners inside the EU in an open, unique and highly functional platform.
Next project meeting is planned for February 2021. Follow us for more info!
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