Would you like to meet the whole team? These are the Female Entrepreneur partners:

Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Spain

The Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Spain (CCIS) is an association formed by Italian and Spanish entrepreneurs and professionals. 

Born in 1914 and recognized by the Italian State with law n. 518 of 1 July 1970, is based in Madrid with delegations in Valencia and Seville and territorial antennas in Burgos, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, La Coruña, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Vigo and Oviedo. The CCIS is an important node in the Assocamerestero network, which is represented in 55 countries by 81 Italian Chambers Abroad. It is therefore a strategic interlocutor for those who intend to efficiently and safely explore the possibilities of internationalization of their business.

CCIS contributes to various field related to the European policies and programs, thanks to the presence, within its institutional organization, of a department specialized in European projects, that is supported by those departments which are responsible for the projects’ execution (such as the Training department, the Touristic Office, Communication and the Event and Fairs). The skilled staff is responsible for preparing proposals and for the management, development, evaluation and financial reporting of the projects.





DomSpain is an adult education organisation specialised in the field of education and training, vocational studies, occupational, social and intercultural skills, languages and new technologies.

This Association aims to improve the quality of education and adult training, promoting and facilitating the access, of both teachers and learners, to new technologies and innovative teaching tools. DomSpain is a Training and Consulting Company active on a national and international level. It offers a variety of services to the public and private sector of Spain and actively participates in international schemes through a well-established network of partners abroad.

The Training department of DomSpain develops educational programmes in four main directions:courses and workshops for adult learners, including foreign languages, ICT, cookery, dance and personal growth classes. VET: ICT, foreign languages, employability, work-based learning trainings for educators focusing on improving foreign language competences, use of digital tools and new teaching methods, blended learning
extra curriculum activities for school children and parents, including foreign languages, robotics, coding, and internet safety.
The courses and trainings are implemented in our own premises as well as at 6 civic centres and 5 primary and secondary schools of the Tarragona province. We employ 40 educators and count with around 1400 students each academic year. The company provides both face-to-face, blended and online classes.
In the ICT field, we have acquired experience through many years of protection of informatics infrastructures to offer to organizations, businesses, public bodies and other entities integral solutions, which help them guarantee the cybernetic security. DomSpain provides guidance and support to entities such as educational centres, public bodies, social enterprises, and NGOs in digitalising of their internal working processes.
Also, DomSpain has a highly qualified team of information technology that has implemented various projects on national and International level involving development of educational platforms. We provide extra-curriculum activities in foreign languages and robotics for children with learning difficulties and developmental disorders as well as classes of ICT and languages for adults with special educational needs. Representatives of DomSpain form part of the Board of some associations of people with disabilities as well as the Council of Accessibility of the Reus Municipality.

We have a wide expertise in accessing, managing, implementing and monitoring EU funded projects. As a coordinator or partner, we have been involved in various international projects, having developed the online environment and interface for more than 15 European projects and having been the leading partner of ICT and technologies activities for many more. DomSpain is accredited by the Employability Service of Catalonia as a consultancy, recruitment and training centers to coordinate local, national and international mobilities and internships of VET students. It is also member of the LET HER IN International Network, efVET and CEFEC. DomSpain coordinate internships, apprenticeships and mobilities of both VET staff and students in the fields of tourism, restoration, biology, audiovisuals, mechanics, accessibility, marketing, administration and finances, non-formal and informal education, among others. It also provides preparatory training, consultancy and advisory services to VET learners, VET sending centers and hosting enterprises.




p-consulting is an IT, Training and Consulting company, located in Patras (Greece). Its main aim is the digital transformation of the business and organisations due to technology changes that rapidly take effect in our society. It was established in 2012 and since today has implemented twenty-five (25) European Projects, hundreds of National Projects and cooperates with more than 200 organisations and companies all over Europe in the field of consultancy and IT.

Main objectives of the company is the provision of:
•        quality IT and consulting services in business terms to companies and enterprises in all sectors of economy,
•        training services which address the needs of various target groups (young people, people with special needs, elders, immigrants/refugees, unemployed people, managers, startupers etc),
•        IT services, focusing on web development and creation of online educational platforms, and online training programs,
•        managing and developing of project services, mostly oriented to improve the quality of people, especially people from socially vulnerable groups.

p-consulting is combining training and IT services, by focusing to digital education and training. Company is developing and creating online training courses using new and innovative technologies.


Coopération Bancaire pour l'Europe CBE

Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe (CBE) – EEIG is a Brussels-based company founded in 1992 by several European banks wishing to cooperate to take full advantage of European and international opportunities. 

CBE’s mission is to provide information and consulting services on EU policies and European and international funding programs and public tenders to its associated members and their clients. 

CBE also provides assistance in different fields related to the internationalization of businesses, such as participation in public contracts and finding business partners. 
The main areas of activity are:
– information on EU policies and funding programmes for SME’s and public authorities;
– information and assistance on European and international public tenders;
– training on specific topics of interest to its Members and customers;
– advice and assistance in the elaboration and management of EU projects;
– contacts with the European Institutions and lobbying.

Over the years, CBE has carried out intensive information activities, economic analysis and business development services in favour of its members and their clients. CBE has developed several initiatives on many different themes: from the rules on competition and state aid to the monetary Union, from Structural Funds to European programmes, from public procurements to financial instruments and guarantees, from internationalisation processes to research and innovation.
Morevoer, over the years CBE published several Guides and Vademecum on several issues of interest for its Members and their clients, such as EU funding programmes, financial instruments, internationalisation of business, e-business, sustainable tourism, agriculture, SMEs and universities.


Zadar County Rural Development Agency (AGRRA)

Agency for Rural Development of Zadar County is a public institution founded by the County of Zadar with the aim of infroming, coordinating and implementing the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 and strengthening the financial and human resources of regional and local self-government and organization of the institutions for rural policy and rural development as well as their active involvement in the design and implementation of rural development.

AGRRA is monitoring strategies at national and EU level and aligning regional and local level documents with agricultural policies and rural development policies. Agency is experienced in preparation andimplementation of EU funded projects, of various thematic such as tourism, fishery,environment and nature protection. Due to its’ vast experience inoffering technical and advisory help to thestakeholders in the agricultural and fisherysector, AGRRA has direct and strongconnections with agricultural family holdings.
Acting as a training provider, having an important role of a participant and starter of various pilot projects in agriculture and fisheryand due to its’ constant activity in doingseminars and workshops of different types,AGRRA has personal and strong connections with farmers and rural tourism stakeholders all around the County of Zadar.




The main aim of Eurosuccess Consulting is to inform and support, mainly individuals and enterprises, regarding the exploitation of European and National Funds. Through the utilization of the funding opportunities they succeed the design, development and implementation of their strategic objectives. Also, Eurosuccess Consulting has extensive experience in relation to coordinating and managing European research projects. 

Furthermore, the company is associated with a wide range of partners (research institutions and businesses, Universities, non-profit organizations etc.), from various EU countries and is a member of the: European Forum of Vocational Education and Training (EfVET), International Trade Council, European Prison Education Association (EPEA), European Policy Network on Key Competences in School Education (KeyCoNet Network), Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEB) and Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI).


Bucovina Institute

Bucovina Institute is a non - profit organization located in Suceava, Romania, which was founded in 2011. Its mission is to support the stustainable development of the communities in Romania, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, by establishing partnerships for learning, organizing and conducting training programs and promoting continuous education.

The main objectives of The Bucovina Institute are:
 - Creating programs to facilitate intercultural learning, cross - border cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of social economy and employability of vulnerable people on the labor market;
 - Supporting young people and adults from rural areas, migrants, minorities and people with disabilities to ensure access to all forms of learning, access to the labor market and organizing business start - up programs;
 - Promoting regional and community development by conducting qualification, re - qualification, training, specialization, apprenticeship courses, and setting up skills assessment and certification programs with non - discriminatory access for all social categories;
 - Organizing volunteering activities for the development of work skills and thematic trainings to prevent trafficking in human beings, bullying and segregation of Roma children and children with disabilities, in schools;
 - Providing accredited social support services for the social inclusion of people at risk of poverty.

Bucovina Institute also provides courses (carers for eldelry at home, worker in commerce, waiter, computer skills, etc.), services like organizational management and project management consultancy, information and professional counseling services and social services (information and occupational therapy services at the Together Center day center).
